
Is Fear holding your reins?

Is Fear holding your reins?

Courage is to never let your actions be influenced by your fear.      - Arthur Koestler FEAR is GOOD. Fear is designed to keep up safe. It's the voice that tells you to wait till the bus passes prior to stepping onto the road, or to not put your hand into the fire....

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Benefits of Good Posture

Great riding posture doesn’t just happen whilst we are riding…. Great riding posture is developed and dictated by what you do during each day. For instance, if you tend to slump over a computer for work, then your chest muscles will tighten, and your upper back...

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Hormones and Horse Riding

Hormones and Horse Riding

Thanks to todays increased longevity, women are now living approximately 1/3 of their lives post-menopausal.  This suggests that most women live 1/3 of their lives with little or no oestrogen or progesterone in their bodies.  Now if you’re a younger female, I’d...

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