Hello and welcome to Strong Stable Seat. I’m Mel Macaulay, a mad horse lover and founder of SSS.
I honestly can’t remember a time when I didn’t love horses, I’ve always felt a special affinity with them even though my parents were un-horsey. I used to use Mum’s aprons as makeshift saddles and ride the armchair until finally at the ripe age of 10 my sister and I received Cheeky, an unbroken but gentle 2yr old filly. We all learnt much growing up together.
Smitten by the horse bug
Not having horsey parents or educated horses meant as a teenager I spent many hours in the library pouring over magazines and books (pre-internet days!) and watching others ride trying to decipher how to be a better rider. The best gift anyone could have given me was a book about horses and horse riding, unless it was a new bridle or grooming accessories.
As a young adult whilst working within the health and fitness industry and competing in the show ring I began to develop exercises to assist me with my own strength & stability. Especially as I began to lose vision in my left eye and my body began to show all kinds of compensations for my lack of vision. I know about the frustrations of loving a sport, and wanting to do well, but being restricted about a body that doesn’t naturally bend in the right places.
Turning a passion into a vocation
Fast forward to now, where after more than twenty years working within the health and fitness industry I’ve developed a knowledge of bio-mechanics and assisted literally 1000’s of people to improve how their bodies function, helped them to overcome pain and injury and to once again enjoy what they most love about their lives.
I’ve realised it’s time I combined both of my passions – my love of horses and the equestrian world with my love of bio-mechanics and helping people achieve a fit healthy body. This is where SSS began. I know what it’s like to be frustrated with a body that simply doesn’t bend or bounce like it used to. I know how frustrating it is to work really hard and feel like nothing is improving.
Developing your Strong Stable Seat
Just like we train our horses with groundwork to improve their carrying posture and flexibility, think of SSS as groundwork for riders. SSS sessions are designed to create stability, strength, flexibility, and confidence for the rider as part of the horse/rider partnership. In these sessions we focus on YOU, the rider, and improving your body awareness and posture so you can be a better rider for your horse.
If this sounds like something you need, I encourage you to try my Strong Stable Seat sessions and find out quickly you can achieve a difference in you riding – and your horse.