Perfectionism is not the same as striving to be your best. Perfectionism comes from a belief that if we live perfect, look perfect and act perfect then we can minimise or avoid the pain, judgement, and shame. Brene Brown In my early years of racing mountain bikes,...
Remember how easy and effortless it was to balance, climb, jump, hop, and skip as a child, if you rode horses as a child or teenager, I am sure you don’t need reminding of how effortless it all was! Part of the normal aging process is a decline in the bodies’ ability...
Horses are happiest when… They clearly understand what we want from them. – Ty Brazeal I am not an equine communicator or body language expert, however what I have noticed as a horse person and a bio-mechanics enthusiast is that the art of horse riding is...
I hope this year you make mistakes…. Because then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, challenging, pushing yourself to change your world. -Neil Gaiman A new year can be like a brand new saddle… it’s beautiful, exciting,...
Does your saddle slip to the side, or maybe you tend to lose one stirrup frequently? The saddle slipping to the side can be caused from numerous issues such as an incorrectly fitting saddle, or asymmetry in your horses back. So, for this blog I am assuming that you...