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If you’re addicted to horses and love riding…
Do you ever feel frustrated with your body letting you down?
Body awareness, balance, and stability are difficult to improve whilst riding a horse, often leaving riders feeling confused and deflated rather than inspired and motivated.
SSS Sessions include easy to follow stretches and exercises suitable for beginners to the most advanced riders, showing simple progressions which develop your body awareness, strength and stability from the comfort of your home. Consistency is the key to improving your riding, SSS sessions come in a range of lengths from 5min – 6omins ensuring you will always fit a session around your horses and lifestyle.
To prevent boredom and give you the best results, no session is the same. Each session is a complete workout, however every month there is a new theme such as pelvic stability, core activation and strength, long legs, upper body position and more.
Enjoy riding for longer feeling stronger, more stable and confident. You will notice the difference, and so will your horse!
Fast Focus 5min Sessions

Consistency is the key to improving your riding
- Create clear communication between you and your horse
- Improve your riding strength & stability
- Feel more confident and in control of your body and your horse
- Ride smoothly with less bouncing
- Solve postural imbalances and improve your body awareness
- Ride with less pain both for you and your horse
- Look good on a horse
- Be more comfortable for your horse to carry
- Help solve saddle pressure or discomfort for your horse
- Reap the rewards in competition
- Be the rider you’ve always dreamed of being
- Perfect for beginners or the less fit, with options for more advanced riders or those who are fitter