I hope this year you make mistakes….
Because then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, challenging, pushing yourself to change your world. -Neil Gaiman
A new year can be like a brand new saddle…
it’s beautiful, exciting, unmarked, sparkling clean with promises of what could be. No sweat, scratches, scuffs or stirrup leather marks.
And as beautiful as it is to ride in, you want to keep it in perfect condition so you only choose the days when the sky is clear to ride, when your horse is behaving and the conditions are perfect. Afterwards, you put it back in the saddle bag where it is safe until next time. But if you continue to do this, you won’t grow as a rider – sure, you may be able to look pretty when the conditions are right, but when hte going gets tough you come unstuck!!
Living and experiencing life is about getting that saddle dirty, losing a stirrup here and there taking a risk, installing a monkey strap and hanging on as if your life depends on it – because it does!! But when you pack that saddle away each day it smells like heavenly horse sweat, the memories linger of your lessons in that smell…and sometimes you need to leave it out of the saddle bag because it got a little damp in the rain!
This year, I encourage you to make mistakes, to get up and get straight back in that saddle and wear this year in unitl it feels like your comfy well-oiled nuch-loved saddle!!